The campaign aim was to generate excitement around the new Jumanji and to drive footfall to ODEON cinemas across the UK to watch the film. To do so, we worked with a variety of creators who all produced highly creative and engaging content, which focused on our creators immersing themselves in the world of Jumanji.


“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”

Andrei Costin, Albion Online Sr. Marketing Manager


Our CPA goals with Dollar Shave Club were aggressive, so we tailored our strategy to match. We chose not to focus on traditional sixty-second spots and instead maximized on shorter-length native MicroMentions, using them to drive listeners to watch the introductory video on Dollar Shave Club’s website.

Then we leveraged our proprietary planning tools, relationships, and buying power to put together a radio campaign to match our creative approach. This allowed Dollar Shave Club to boost their frequency and hit their CPA goals right out of the gate. Now, millions of new members later, Dollar Shave Club continues to credit radio as a key acquisition driver in their marketing plan.

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